12.–13. September 2024 Museumsquartier Wien
Emerging Technologies, Breakthrough Innovations – die Technologiegespräche 2024 im brandneuen Format erstmals in Wien.
Die neuen

Horst Bischof
TU Graz
Horst Bischof has been Rector of TU Graz since October 2023. Before that he was Vice Rector for Research at TU Graz since 2011. The computer scientist was a visiting professor at the Institute of Computer Graphics and Vision at TU Graz before he was appointed Professor of Computer Vision in 2004. Born in Saanen, Switzerland, in 1967 and brought up in Upper Styria, Horst Bischof studied computer science at Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) and then worked as a research assistant at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna. He returned to TU Wien as a university assistant, where he gained his doctorate in 1993 and his habilitation in 1995. As Vice Rector for Research, Horst Bischof has been responsible for the strategic research orientation of TU Graz as well as research and business cooperation and technology transfer since 2011. He has published close to 800 scientific works and has been presented with 20 national and international awards for his publications. The research portal Research.com lists him as the third most cited computer scientist in Austria.